Patients Age: 83
Admission Date: 2/15/16
Admitted From: Good Samaritan Hospital
Discharge Date: 3/10/17
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 25 Days
Reason for Stay: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
How did this patient hear about Ramapo Manor? Hospital Referral
Details of Experience:
Alphonso is an 83-year-old male with respiratory failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease exacerbations. He was also diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis and recent bilateral pneumonia. Alphonso arrived to Ramapo Manor with 4L via nasal cannula prior to being at Good Samaritan Hospital.
Therapy worked with Alphonso daily to ensure that the goals were met as quickly as possible. Prior to his hospitalization and rehab stay, Alphonso lead an active, independent lifestyle and strived to be able to return back to his former level of health. The goals were to increase his activity tolerance and decrease his shortness of breath with activity and exercise.
Alphonso was an early riser and did all his morning care and dressing independently. During his morning routine, the therapy team would assist him to the gym, where he required guidance on pacing, and the value of taking active steps. Alphonso learned to adjust his day-to-day activities to adapt to his current condition. He shared that he had a portable electric oxygen concentrator that he used at home and in the community. The therapy team had asked that he bring it to the community so he could use it during therapy sessions. We also worked with him on activities and exercises that were meant to increase his exercise tolerance and assist in improving his respiratory condition. Alphonso worked on the treadmill and Nu Step to build endurance and strength. He engaged in upper and lower body exercises to help build his pulmonary strength and improve his level of breathing. They also worked on ambulating on flat and uneven surfaces. Alphonso responded very well to all therapies. He made improvements week to week and then day by day. Alphonso was very receptive to education and was able to translate it to his physical work. We wish him all the best and a safe return to his home in good health!