Patients Age: 66
Admission Date: 10/20/14
Admitted From: Albany Medical Center
Discharge Date: 10/20/14
Discharged To: Ramapo Manor
Length of Stay: 102 Days
Reason for Stay: Rehab
How did this patient hear about Ramapo Manor?
The patient’s sister in law works here.
Harold Baas came to us on October 20th 2014 from Albany Medical Center. After a long ride here he was finally transitioned into Ramapo Manor and was put into one of our newly renovated rooms. His story is truly a miracle. He was brought here for Rehabilitation but that took many different turns during his stay. Over the course of his stay he was in and out of the hospital multiple times and we were never sure what was going to happen next. One day at Ramapo Manor he flat lined which was a very scary moment for everyone including himself and his family. With the excellent work from our nurses and doctors we were able to revive him and bring him back to life. Over the next few months Harold made huge strides in regaining his strength and getting back to his everyday living. There were a few times when Harold was supposed to be discharged but due to different situations the dates were always pushed back. When he was finally approved to leave by Physical Therapy it was one of the happiest days of his life. When I went in to do his discharge survey I asked him what were three positive experiences that he had during his stay here, his answer was short and brief “I’m happy to be alive he said.†He was very happy with his overall stay and rated our facility a 9 out of 10. We threw him a lovely Graduation Dinner the night before he left which was made to order by our wonderful Chef Around. The day he left I accommodated him with some lovely gifts including blankets and mugs which he thoroughly enjoyed. He was a great success story and we were so happy to see him leave Ramapo Manor on his own two feet. When he left Ramapo Manor I shook his hand and said that it was an absolute pleasure meeting you and I wish you nothing but the best in your future.